Deans Message

Our Dean's Message

Welcome to Brokenshire College !

It gives me great honor and pleasure to welcome you to Brokenshire College School of Medicine. In behalf of the Board of Trustees, the administrators and other academic programs and most especially from the staff and faculty of the Brokenshire College School of Medicine, we welcome you with open arms..
We hope and pray that we will be doing you justice for choosing us as your school of choice. The road ahead will be long and tortuous all filled with bumps and potholes, but hopefully we will be able to assist you in navigating yourselves. Please consider Brokenshire not only as a school, but your home away from home.
As you can see, we have one of the biggest campus in the region-giving you time to feel at home while you are studying with us. Again, thank you and let your journey begin beside our guiding hands. Namaste!

Warlito C. Vicente, MD, FPCS, MHPEd

Dean, Brokenshire College
School of Medicine